Fares for Jablonec nad Nisou
Green zone - single price - 69, - Kč *
Other fare:
Tariff 5 - car delivery 25, - CZK, fare 24, - CZK / km, waiting 6, - CZK / min
Route from the green zone to the surroundings of Jablonec, which is outside the green zone
Route to the green zone from the surroundings of Jablonec, which is outside the green zone
Tariff 6,7 - car delivery from 30, - CZK, fare from 31, - CZK / km, waiting 6, - CZK / min (entrance and exit outside the green zone)
Entry and exit is outside the green zone, holidays
Price between Liberec and Jablonec - 249, - CZK
Entry and exit must be in green zones
* Conditions of transport for the price of 69, - CZK:
Number of passengers 1-4
The price of transport is one bag, more luggage for an extra 30, - CZK
The customer enters and exits in the green zone, without stops and other boarding
The route of transport is determined by the driver
In case of a stop (ATM, petrol station) or boarding of another person, this route will be charged 138, - CZK
Stopping at the ATM, which is along the route is still 69, - CZK
When leaving the car (stop) the driver will require 100% advance payment according to the transport price
The driver has the right to refuse to wait unless the dispatching has been reported in advance